The Chartreuse Moose

Pre order online: or call 250-395-4644 or stop in.

We will donate $1.00 from any wrap or grilled

sandwich sold on Monday May 18th & 25th to

100 Mile Hospice Society

What can Hospice do?

The diagnosis of a serious or life-limiting illness can have profound effects on a person, as well as on the person’s loved ones. Suddenly, life and death can take on important new meanings. 100 Mile Hospice Volunteers offer support through the overwhelming emotions and practical realities of coping with illness, caregiving, special medical equipment loans, and bereavement. Hospice volunteers have extensive and ongoing training.

All 100 Mile Hospice programs, and services are provided at NO COST

thanks to generous donations and local fundraising efforts.


follow us on Facebook 250-395-7680